If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident at work, which was not your fault and you suffer from a workplace injury, you may be able to make a personal injury claim for compensation.
As with all accident compensation claims, you would need to prove that your injury, illness or disease was caused as a result of the negligence of another party (in this case your employer) and once you appoint a personal work injury lawyer, they will assist you in compiling your evidence and presenting it to the third party insurers.
Every personal injury compensation claim is very different and while some are settled within a matter of months, others can take years. Most claims for workplace accidents and workplace injuries are settled out of Court; however, some will need to progress this far.
If You Were Injured by a Defective Product
When a worker is injured by a machine or piece of equipment that is defective, failed to work properly, or is inherently dangerous, the manufacturer of the machine or equipment can be held responsible for the injury if it knew of the danger and/or didn’t properly warn the business or employees of the danger. In such a situation, the manufacturer would have to compensate the worker for things like medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
If You Were Injured by a Toxic Substance
Sometimes the chemicals and other substances that workers use are toxic and cause severe injuries and illnesses. These substances can include such things as asbestos, benzene, chromium compounds, silica, and radium, but any substance that harms you could possibly be the subject of a lawsuit for a “toxic tort.”
If a Third Party Injures You
Sometimes when an employee is injured on the job, the fault lies not with the employer or with a dangerous substance or machine, but with another person. In such a case, the employee might be able to sue that person for damages. If a third party’s intentional or negligent conduct caused your injury, talk to a personal injury attorney about your rights.
If Your Employer Does Not Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance
If your employer is uninsured, then you have the option of suing your employer in civil court for your injuries. Although this gives you the opportunity to get more money than the workers’ compensation system provides, you will also have the burden of proving that the employer was at fault in causing your injury, something that employees don’t have to do when they get money and benefits from the workers’ compensation system. In addition, some states, such as California, have a fund that provides benefits to the injured workers of uninsured companies. In California, the fund is called the Uninsured Employer’s Benefits trust fund.
Evanston Work Injury Lawyer Claim Advice
Making a Compensation Claim after an Accident at Work
If you or anyone you know has been involved in a workplace accident and suffered a workplace injury, illness or disease, contact us now for claim advice. Your call will be confidential and the initial consultation will be free.
Evanston Personal Injury Lawyers are experts in dealing with personal injury compensation claims for people injured during the course of their employment.
Below, you will find the most common types of accidents at work claims we deal with together with details about how to begin your own personal injury compensation claim. If you cannot find the type of injury or case that is similar to yours, give us a call! chances are we’ve handled a case similar, it just id not on this list.
Accidents at Work for Members of the Armed Forces
Assaulted at Work
Claim Advice for Accidents in Construction
Crane Accident Compensation
Dangerous Machinery in the Workplace
Dangerous Practices and Procedures at Work
Falls from Height at Work
Farm Accident Compensation Claims
Fork Lift Truck Accident Compensation
Needlestick Injuries
Oil Rig Accident Claims
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
Scaffolding Accidents
Workplace Manual Handling Compensation Claim
Workplace Slips and Trips
There are strict time limits in place to make any injury claim, including compensation claims for workplace accidents and workplace injuries. Make sure you don’t wait to long to contact us so we can help get you on the path to recovery and compensation.